
August Alphabet Recap



Where did summer go? I’m so ready for fall and the breeze and boots! The ABC challenge for August started off great… for about 4 days. But thanks to Hermine and the power outage, I was able to finish off the entire alphabet! Here are some of my favs:


ceindy-micron-q ceindy-micron-r

I used Micron and Pitt pens (misplaced the pens for a bit, it’s hectic here!) on bright neon paper. It was a lot of fun, and I hope the gif works, so you can see how awesome it is ^_^


Hope you love this type as much as I do!

Calligraphy ABCD

March and April ABCs

Hello people of the interwebs. Yes, I am aware I am behind. I have no great reasons for this at all and I deeply apologize for my lack of greatness.


This was the month I finally purchased a nib and working between a pointed, flexible nib and a flat one, I wanted to do a sort of layers alphabet. A merging of two styles and see how they can play together. Then I decided to try to also pen some inspirational words and try out calligraphy. It’s still a work in progress, however I think I’ve gradually gotten better.



It took me two months to finish this alphabet. Honestly, I think I may have burnt myself out or over-exerted myself.  I was starting to feel as if my side thing was taking over the biggest thing in my life, mothering. So I’ve slowed down a lot and it took me over two months to complete my chalk/favorite foods alphabet.


I am strongly aware that I have been terrible at keeping up with my own projects, so here is to the rest of the year and hoping for more motivation and success!

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February ABC

Hey there! I actually messed up and used the wrong tool this month, but that’s okay ^_^

I had a very fun month of using the Pentel Aquash waterbrush. I used it along with the Artist’s Loft brand watercolors that can be found at Michael’s for approximately $5.00. It was a lot of fun, but I still needed to get used to the flexibility and almost unpredictability of the brush.